If you recall, I have written about in my blog articles and
also discussed on my radio shows earlier on the control
drama (click on the link if you have missed listening to it) in our lives. This
past Sunday, two of the Village of Abundance group (on Facebook) members got
together on the VoARadio Network to discuss 'How
to Heal from Mama Trauma.' As I listened to that radio show, it made me to
think more on how I succeeded in driving out the drama in my life.
I have been fortunate to study with some of the most amazing
teachers over the years, and all of them have talked about letting go of the
drama in your life.
It took me awhile to truly let go of it all and learn to live
in the present, to be present with my own life and with everyone in it.
I found that I took myself through several steps to get to
the Freedom I desired. In the next few weeks, I will briefly write about each
of these steps. For this week, here is Step #1:
Step 1- Forgiveness
In order to start the clearing out process I realized that
forgiveness was the key that would open the lock to all else that was within.
Even though I knew better, it was still easy to get caught up in the idea that
by forgiving the person, I was approving the act. And also that forgiveness was
for the other person when it is really always for us, and for our own inner
peace. Once I got myself past those old mind-sets, it was an easy road from
there – simply a process of letting go.
You have most likely heard the saying, ‘Unforgiveness is
like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.’ It costs you everything and costs the other
Once you truly start forgiving events and people, and most
importantly yourself, then you will know how liberating it is for your spirit
and how peaceful your life can be.
Stay tuned for Step #2 next week.