What to Do When my Dreams are Not Coming True?
We have all experienced this at one time or another. You sit each morning and evening, visualizing your dreams and goals. You really start feeling it in your life. Every cell in your body seems to be vibrating in alignment with your desires. But when all is said and done, that pile of money is not sitting in your lap. "Well," you say, "I guess this doesn't really work—at least, not for me."
So what happened? Does ‘Success’ only work for some people some of the time? Or does it only work for small things—like finding a parking space—but not for manifesting a new car? The answer is that the dreams come true, all of the time, but—and this is key!—we must allow it to operate in our lives.
For example, if I want to attract more people buying my new book, but I am constantly talking about how slow it's going, I am not in vibrational alignment with my desires.
If I want to attract more wealth but spend my days lamenting about how broke I am, it is unlikely to happen. Be grateful for whatever financial abundance you have. That energy of gratitude will put you in a vibration to attract more of the same—namely, more wealth. "To he who has, more is given."
It's like a situation, years ago, with a coaching client. She wanted to conduct a seminar. She was lamenting to me one day how she "only had three people signed up." I pointed out that she had three people and that she should be thankful that they showed enough faith in her work to invest their time and money, and that she should focus on that and be grateful for it.
Within a few days, she had several more people and by the day of the event, she had attracted the ideal number of people to fill her seminar. As I've said before: "If you are praying for rain, carry an umbrella."
Another way we sometimes undo our desires is by speaking and acting in ways that are inconsistent with what we want. For example, people who are working on attracting more financial wealth, but walking around saying things like "Oh I'd never spend that much for a suit."
This is one of the reasons why I advise people who want more wealth to get into the energy of luxury. Go visit a four-star hotel or restaurant—even if you just buy a cup of coffee, soda, beer, or a glass of wine—and get into the feeling of that as your new lifestyle. Start getting comfortable in those surroundings.
If you want finer clothes, walk around the better stores and feel that energy of being around quality merchandise.
If you want to attract a relationship, get off your couch and go where there are people. And if you do meet someone who is not quite right, don't use that as an excuse to quit. Acknowledge that, even though this was not your ideal person, you are out meeting people and you're in an environment to meet your dream mate. These things happen in God's time, not ours; however, it's important to never give up. Don't quit before the miracle happens.
The more you focus on the evidence of what you want showing up in your life—while being grateful for what you already have—the more you're in vibrational alignment with your desire and the more likely it will grow.
Surya M Ganduri, PhD. PMP. is the founder and president of eMBC, Inc., an international firm specializing in strategic and executive leadership development processes that Help People Succeed in an Evolving World. His company is dedicated to helping organizations and individuals manage strategic change, innovation, cultural transition, and goal achievement. Surya has over 27 years of business experience in management consulting, leadership development, executive coaching, process improvements, organizational development, personal development and youth leadership. Contact Surya at s6ganduri@eMBCinc.com. For more information, visit www.eMBCinc.com or contact eMBC, Inc., directly at (630) 445-1321.