Saturday, May 1, 2010

Getting Back in the Game

In her Careers column for the US News & World Report of May 2010, Kimberly Palmer, writer and columnist provides five key investment strategies for making ones’ return to work after a brief hiatus. At the top of her list is Coaching and she explains how Coaching can help make the job-hunting process less daunting.

In a slow economy, heading back into the working world after a break or career transition is a particularly difficult jump. Ms Palmer points out that this challenge of returning to work has spawned a mini-industry aimed at making the transition a little easier. Of all these services and offers, she urges candidates to get coached and seek help in determining what type of new career they would find satisfying.

Another one of her strategies is to hire resume help – an objective third party who is experienced in writing resumes can often be more effective at distilling valuable expertise and presenting it in a compelling way.

What we are essentially recommending here is that as part of coaching, you prepare a customized Personality and Job Search Profile. It will materially enhance the effective presentation of you to the hiring managers. It also will help you better focus your job search. From your strengths and areas of potential vulnerability, you can infer important characteristics about a job and work environment that you ought to seek … or ought to avoid.

Once you uncover your natural talents and pick a job/career that combines them well, you will greatly increase the odds that you will wind up both very satisfied and very successful in your work. Then you can engage a professional resume writer to update your resume that effectively and honestly communicates that you are the best candidate for the job - because you know who you are. In our business as career coach, we collaborate with Lauren Young, a professional creative writer and owner of the company Freshly Baked Communications who specializes in producing effective resumes utilizing the Personality profiles that I mentioned earlier.

The way to make this happen is to get your natural talents tested in our Attribute Index assessment program, and get your resume professionally updated by a creative writer who can incorporate information from your Personality profile. Follow this link to find out more about our programs and services for career changers and people making an original career selection. You can also learn more about Lauren and her company, Freshly Baked Communications at

A pro-active job searcher goes to the action and goes prepared to present his or her case for who he/she is and what he/she is seeking.

Surya M Ganduri, PhD. PMP. is the founder and president of eMBC, Inc., an international firm specializing in strategic and executive leadership development processes that Help People Succeed in an Evolving World. His company is affiliated with Resource Associates Corporation, a network of 600+ associates that are dedicated to helping organizations and individuals manage strategic change, innovation, cultural transition, and goal achievement. Surya has over 26 years of business experience in management consulting, leadership development, executive coaching, process improvements, organizational development and youth leadership. Contact Surya at For more information visit or contact eMBC, Inc., directly at (630) 445-1321.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! I think one's natural reaction after being laid off from a position is to start sending resumes out for similar jobs. In many cases, it may be best to talk to a career coach and identify the career for which you are best suited.

    Everyone has specific natural talents, as well as interests, but if you don't recognize your talents, you may be unhappy when start another job that does not fulfill your goals and match with your true personality!
