Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Grateful for what you already have

Gratefulness is the lifeblood of soul consciousness and the only antidote for the self-inflicted poison of self pity, resentment and unworthiness. Life is meant to be celebrated ~ and it is when we become grateful for what we already do have versus resentful for what we don't have.

These are difficult times in the world and it's impossible at times to see the light at the end of the tunnel in terms of the worldwide economic depression, the gulf oil disaster and the violent shootings in Arizona and elsewhere. It's easy to get out of the moment and into the future in terms of impending personal financial doom or worldwide doom for that matter.

Fear can obliterate all hope and reason ~ and love and gratitude can be easily smothered in the process under a blanket of unworthiness, resentment and self pity.

That's why Gratitude is so important, as it brings us back to what is essentially important ~ ourselves, our loved ones and our unique worthiness as human beings ~ because the people we are most grateful to are usually people who have loved us.

When we start celebrating these gifts from a place of true gratitude ~ we begin to transcend fear and, as such, open the door to new possibilities and direction. We are then no longer paralyzed by self pity, resentment and unworthiness and are open to the guiding light at the end of the tunnel ~ love, joy.

Please join me on Monday Jan 31, 2011 for a Roundtable discussion on the power of gratitude with other like minded individuals.

Now enjoy this short video clip on The Power of Gratitude

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Forgiveness is the fragrance the Violets release as the foot crushes them

To forgive is not to forget. Forgetting is not hard. All you need is a bad memory or to treat the incident as insignificant. But to forgive is to make a new beginning, to start all over again with the person who caused you pain. It does not take away the hurt nor does it erase the past injury. It merely ceases to obstruct the path of a new beginning. To forgive you don't have to aggravate the guilt and squeeze the soul of the person. By forgiving you can walk together into the future.

In the Bhagavad Geetha (chapter 12), Lord Krishna describes 35 qualities of a devotee; one of them is a forgiving nature. Learn to forgive. Having forgiven another, what really happens?

The rancor, the anger within, which was eating the vitals, is automatically washed and cleaned. It purifies the system. You become 24-carat gold, soft, yet solid and shining. Mark Twain captures this quality when he writes: "Forgiveness is the fragrance the Violets release as the foot crushes them."

Epictetus said more than 2,000 years ago: "It is not he who gives abuse that affronts, but the view that we take of it. Your hurts comes from not what others did to you, but from what you choose to do with their actions. If you change your attitude about the hurt, you will soon find your victim status eliminated."

Here is a short video clip: The Gift of Forgiveness  Enjoy!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Wisdom of Feelings

Have you ever had a dream like this? SOMETHING IS CHASING YOU. It's terrifying. You run from it. You would do anything to make it go away. All you know is this is some unnamed, unknown beast.

In a dream like that it feels logical that the beast is something outside of us, something out to get us.

Imagine for a moment that you turn and face it, asking,”Who are you? What is this all about?” Could you do that? What if I told you the beast is something you created, and it’s not outside of you, IT IS YOU!

Well, it’s true and here is how it happens…

Imagine someone takes in a cute baby Bear as a pet. It is adorable and fuzzy - at first. It delights and entertains them. But as it begins to grow and its wild nature expresses itself, they punish it. They put it in a cage and poke it with a sharp stick to try to keep it under control. And the more they abuse it, the wilder it gets – until it is a ferocious beast.

What we do with our most turbulent emotions is not much different than the story of the wild Bear. We wish we didn’t have some of the emotions that we do have. We don’t want them and would do anything to avoid them, or god forbid, let others see them. So, some of our most secret agreements with ourselves are designed to protect us from emotional pain by creating a cage to keep things under control. Our judgment of our “bad” emotions becomes the sharp stick we unmercifully punish ourselves with inside a prison of our own making.

One bad emotion that we are told to never let anyone see is anger. Often when small children don’t get what they want, they express their disappointment by crying and acting out. This is sometimes uncomfortable for the adults around them and they try to control the behavior of their children.

One of my clients, Angie, said that her mother’s mantra when she was growing up was: “It’s not nice to be angry”, and “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.” Hearing this repeatedly, coupled with a few good whacks on the rear-end for any outburst, Angie decided that sullen silence and letting them guess what was wrong with her was a better choice than rage.

When Angie got married she was determined to create the family she dreamed of - a group of people around her that loved her no matter what. But as time went on her marriage was a disappointment. She felt her husband should know what she wanted without her having to tell him all the time.

He couldn’t figure her out and began spending more and more time away from home. He didn’t take care of her emotional needs. Her frustration often resulted in her flying off the handle at her children at the slightest provocation.
Angie was ashamed of her behavior. Her outbursts at her children felt horrible. She didn’t want anyone to know about it and she couldn’t understand why she felt so out of control. She dreaded sleeping because her dreams were often filled with monsters in her house that she could not get away from.

After a few of my coaching sessions with helping Angie on her Self Awareness, she realized that the constant suppression of her desire and not asking for what she wanted created resentment. (Please note that I am not a professional Psychologist and it was all Angie’s own self discovery partly guided by the coaching process.) This resentment built up into a seething rage, under wraps most of the time but never-the-less, dangerously close to the surface.

Ignoring it, sulking, punishing her children and then punishing herself only fuelled the fire below. It was expressing itself with her children and it kept her husband emotionally distanced.

When I first met Angie she wasn’t even aware she was angry. In fact, she often parroted the same phrases her mother used -“It’s not nice to be angry”, and “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.” But her nightmares were getting worse, as well as her relationship with her husband. Her rage was the beast she couldn’t face, ‘the angry Bear in the cage’. She was sure if she opened the door to that cage the beast would surely devour her.

So how do we tame the beast? The secret is in the story of Beauty and the Beast. In that tale, Beauty is at first afraid of the Beast. But, then she courageously faces the Beast without judgment about who he is. She makes the effort to get to know him. As time goes on she discovers respect and love for that which she previously thought to be so hideous. And with her love and persistence, the Beast is magically transformed into a handsome prince.

We can do the same thing with our wild emotions that we label as the beasts in the dungeon, monsters in the closet. The truth is they are crying out for us to notice them.

Our emotions are simply intuition translated into physical feelings that are full of good information about what is happening in the moment. But, over time, we interpret what happened and our beliefs, and the agreements that arise from those beliefs, are often filled with turbulent emotions that have no relevance in this moment.

Our emotions deserve our honor and respect. Let them speak and they will open the channel for change. It is easy to love the good things about ourselves, but real transformation is possible when we begin loving ourselves exactly the way we are. Pamper, cuddle, adore and take care of the beast within. Honor and respect it and let it tell you its story, then see what happens. Imagine a 400-pound Bear as an ally! Powerful, isn’t it?

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Strategies for planning a Year of Achievement and Success

Last week I was interviewed by Brad Simkins on his Blog Radio Talk Show. As we enter a New Year, I thought the topic is an appropriate choice to focus upon. So, here is a link to that recording.

Success comes to those people who can manage their time according to their priorities. It is due to the fact that they can finish doing important tasks at a certain period of time without rushing things and without becoming reckless. Thus, coming up with remarkable results is no surprise to them. Time is one of those things that you can never get back. Everyone starts the day with the same amount of time. We all measure time in the same way - minutes, hours, days, weeks and so on. Yet, some people seem to "spin their wheels" while others gain the traction required to accomplish their goals. Many of us set goals at the beginning of a New Year, at our annual performance reviews, or when something major happens, and we want to assess where we are and where we want to go. Yet sometimes, even with the best of intentions, we grind to a halt with these goals. Before we realize it, weeks and months have gone by - and we still haven't achieved the results we wanted. Why is this? After all, we all have the best intentions and the timing (New Year, new start) couldn't be better. The problem may lie in the fact that we place a huge amount of pressure on ourselves. With all the hype and the pressure, it's easy to fail. Learn instead how to set yourself up for success, during this interview. Use the approach that you will learn in this interview, to turn your vision and dreams into reality. And you can give yourself the best chance of successfully achieving your goals and your dreams!

Once again, you can click here to listen to this recording.

Click here to launch and listen to this MP3 recording of the interview

I'd love to hear your thoughts and would be glad to answer any questions that you may have. Namaste!