Friday, June 18, 2010

No one can change your life except for you

The fact of the matter is changing one’s behavior and modifying attitudes requires guidance and re-program your brain. Here is why:

You need a license to drive a car, and you need to know how to operate a computer.  But do you really need to know how to operate your brain?  You wouldn’t think so, but if you’re committed to building and growing your business, you can’t afford to be walking around without knowing how your brain works.

Over the last decade, what we’ve learned about how the brain works and how we make decisions might literally blow your mind.  As science produces more fascinating details about the way the brain works, the prefix ‘neuro’ is being attached to disciplines from marketing to economics and finance. Neuro-leadership refers to a blend of certain findings from neuroscience with a set of leadership practices and principles designed to encourage more consultative, creative and empathetic corporate chiefs.  

This is not just fluff or interesting conversation.  Understanding how brains work will save you time, money and aggravation.  Not only that, but it will help you get more loyal and profitable customers as well.  If that’s something you’re interested in, read on. 

How Your Brain is Sabotaging Your Goals and What to Do about It

It seems that our conscious and sub-conscious brain creates a comfortable set point where we operate.  And no matter how hard we might try to logically create a new goal (or set point) or how hard we work at tasks, our brain is on autopilot. 

Brains are pattern and predicting machines.  Old patterns yield predictable results and predictable results are safe.  It seems that our brains are still trying to protect us from being eaten by a predator.  While humans have long evolved from those pre-historic times; the fear or anxiety in our minds of entering a new market or presenting to the HUGE new client is the same.

The ONLY way that you can re-set your brain to think and act towards achieving a new goal (or set point) is to re-train, re-wire and re-program new information into your sub-conscious.  In other words, you have to program these new circumstances into your brain so that they become old and familiar – instead of new and scary.  And this is where meditations and the affirmations come in.

Before you go rolling your eyes about what may seem (or sound) like granola, new age thinking, understand that what I’m telling you are founded in brain science.  It has been tested and retested with fMRI technology.  It’s no longer a belief.  It’s fact. 

Your brain is the most sophisticated type of software. To re-program this software requires consistent, persistent practice and the feeding of new information which will, over time, become familiar. So familiar, in fact, that it will replace the old set point and Voila!  You are now ready to actually DO those tasks that will get you to your goal. 

Where to Get a Driver’s License for Your Brain

Hopefully, you’re now inspired to learn more and start driving your brain too.

If there’s anything we’ve learned from brain sciences, it’s that our smaller, primitive brain is in much more control than we’d like to believe.  My favorite analogy comes from the book “Switch”, your primitive brain is the elephant and your logical brain is the elephant driver.  As long as the two agree on where they are going, nothing can stop them.  But if the elephant decides it’s going for a drink and the driver wants a snack – guess who will win?

I’d like to be a better elephant driver. How about you?

Surya M Ganduri, PhD. PMP. is the founder and president of eMBC, Inc., an international firm specializing in strategic and executive leadership development processes that Help People Succeed in an Evolving World. His company is dedicated to helping organizations and individuals manage strategic change, innovation, cultural transition, and goal achievement. Surya has over 26 years of business experience in management consulting, leadership development, executive coaching, process improvements, organizational development and youth leadership. Contact Surya at For more information, visit or contact eMBC, Inc., directly at (630) 445-1321.

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