Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Living Beyond Conflict

Have you noticed how our children are being taught to live in a cycle of conflict—through media and video games, etc. They are learning the importance of conflict in their schools too! The foundation of any class essay they write is that a plot must consist of an introduction, conflict, and resolution. In fact, every story that we read is based on this core principle. It is our collective story!

How do we write a new story?

I dedicated the last few years of my life to mastering a new story, not for the world but for myself. In fully dropping a storyline that clings to conflict, I free myself to imagine a world beyond peace.

As I began to understand my attachment to conflict, I discovered that not only were my actions tied to the cycle of conflict and resolution, my desire for intimacy was woven into this same cycle.

Stop for a second and think about relationships.

Most intimate moments come from joining together around conflict. When we have a problem, we reach out to a friend for comfort. The friend either commiserates by sharing her/his own similar problems or helps us find a resolution. We are comforted by these moments of intimate bonding.

So, how do we create intimacy beyond conflict?

Some time ago, I was watching a discussion between His Holiness - the Dalai Lama and several world peace advocates moderated by Katie Couric, who asked them a question:
We focus so much attention on attaining world peace; What comes after peace?”

After several years of contemplating this very question, I was curious to hear the response from these famous peace leaders.

One by one, each person attempted to answer. Yet, each answer simply reiterated the need for peace. Not one of these renowned peace advocates actually answered the question. Even more significant is that not one of them even seemed to realize that they were not answering the question. Obviously, like seasoned politicians, they stick to their agendas, without deviating from what they were prepared to say to an unexpected question.

Then His Holiness - the Dalai Lama, with his brilliant smile and light-hearted nature spoke. He shared that when you have peace at your core, you will be happy and you will have more friends. “And,” he said, “everyone likes more friends.”

Simple and true.

Yes, after peace comes joy. We must start by finding this joy within ourselves.

As we release our attachment to storylines of conflict, we will discover a whole new way of connecting to others. We will discover a new way of seeing this world.

Begin by imagining a new world. See a world that is more vibrant and colorful than you have ever imagined before. This world has unlimited possibilities, and all we have to do is to explore and create beauty. In this world everything moves naturally into its most perfect form.

Meditating on this “Vibrant New Earth” immediately brings life into harmony. More than that, meditating on this Vibrant New Earth is the greatest gift (on this upcoming Mother Nature's Mother's Day) we can offer our world in our quest for peace.

We are co-creators of this universe. We must be able to see a world of joy in order to move through peace and create the world we desire.

John Lennon understood this in the 70′s when he planted the seed of intent with his song Imagine  (you can listen to it here>> http://youtu.be/yRhq-yO1KN8)

Most of us have heard this song. We have felt the vibration of peace it carries: But have we actually taken the time to imagine?

Imagination is the gateway to creation. Let’s join together and imagine a world beyond peace. Lets co-create in this moment a world filled with playful and creative joy.

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