Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Are you Leading your Life with 'Intention?'

By the way, did you ever watch this video clip by Jim Carey?
Let me remind you what 'intention' means... Definition of INTENTION (from Merriam-Webster Dictionary) -
1: a determination to act in a certain way : resolve
3: what one intends to do or bring about

If you are an intentional leader in life, you will never know your strength as a leader until you have weathered the storms. You will never know what you are made of and how far your roots go down until adversity strikes and you are put through the test.

How are you when the unexpected happens?
When someone attacks your character? 
When you have lost what is most important to you? 
How do you respond? 
How we react is based on how strong our foundation is.
How we respond reflects the very character of who we are.

Character comes in being rooted firmly in who you are and knowing what you can and cannot do. If it is your integrity that has been attacked, are you quick to set the record straight or can you rest, knowing that truth is all that matters? If the unexpected happens, do you accept it with grace, knowing that God is in control or do you fall apart?

Maybe you haven’t thought about the foundation of your life, because you have never had to.  Living as an intentional leader means living everyday using all that has been given to us to the fullest.

It means thinking ahead.
It means being ready for the storms.
It means being strong.
It means knowing who you are.
It is living everyday a life of intention, a life that makes a difference.

1 comment:

  1. You may be interested to listen to this week's radio talk Intentional Leadership and Purposeful Leader on VoARadio network for an expanded discussion. _/|\_
