Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Are You Ready to Divorce Your Inner Critic?

Most human beings engage in ongoing self-talk. For many of us, most of that self-talk is negative—particularly when we've experienced some kind of setback, like a business challenge, a rocky relationship, or a health scare. We're literally laying down programming in our consciousness that beats us up and sets us up for failure and dissatisfaction.

That inner critical voice is part of our psychological design that's intended to keep us safe and have us pause before we act.  On top of that, our inner critical voice has great value in revealing some of our Self Limiting Beliefs and unconscious programming that holds us back.

Here is a short overview of the three simple strategies to help us partner more effectively with our inner critic. These strategies are excerpted from an eBook, "It's The Thought That Counts!" (*Please let me know if you would like to receive and read this 105 page eBook.)


Life offers us possibilities much broader than we can possibly "know" if we're open to seeing them. You don't know what you don't know. And that is good news! All you need is a willingness to stay open and view your mistakes as wonderful learning opportunities. Get curious and ask yourself, "What can I learn from this?"


Awareness is the critical ingredient to building a more empowering mindset. Break the state of "waking hypnosis" and choose new thoughts that support you. If you hear your inner critic getting nasty with you, simply say, "Thank you for sharing!" or "Sure, but I deserve to have a great life anyway!"


Everyone has an inner critic. Realize that it's just trying to protect you. You can even visualize that part of you as a cranky old great-uncle, or as a scared little child, who just needs to talk a lot. Having negative internal dialogue doesn't mean that you are flawed or incapable. Let your wise, soulful self call the shots.

This week, I invite you to pick one of the suggested strategies and practice it on a regular basis.

Remember, each little change, made over time, will make a big difference in your ability to raise your level of happiness and improve the quality of your life.

Also please take note that if you are a parent or have kids in your life, these tips work beautifully for the children as well.

Surya M Ganduri, PhD. PMP. is the founder and president of eMBC, Inc., an international firm specializing in strategic and executive leadership development processes that Help People Succeed in an Evolving World. His company is dedicated to helping organizations and individuals manage strategic change, innovation, cultural transition, and goal achievement. Surya has over 27 years of business experience in management consulting, leadership development, executive coaching, process improvements, organizational development and youth leadership. Contact Surya at s6ganduri@eMBCinc.com. For more information, visit www.eMBCinc.com or contact eMBC, Inc., directly at (630) 445-1321.

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