Tuesday, August 24, 2010

How to Get to Where You Want to Go?

Last week, I received a question on my website from a person who wishes to remain anonymous. In answering that question, I felt that the answer really benefits everyone and decided to post it here on my blog. So, here is the question posed followed by my response to that. I hope that it clarifies similar doubts that you may have.

How do you go from where you are to where you want to be financially?

The answer to the above question is actually quite simple. How do you get anywhere that you want to go? You get there by taking one step at a time.

Let me give you an example:
Have you ever driven anywhere at night? I’m going to assume that all of you have done some traveling at night. So, how did you get from where you were to where you were going when you can only see a few feet in front of your car? You could only see as far as your headlights would shine (roughly 100 to 150 feet on low beam, depending on the weather conditions), but yet, you keep going, always knowing that you’d get there.
This works the same way in life.

Many people want to know all the “hows”, and see the entire path laid out for them BEFORE they take the first step toward getting where they are going. However, that’s not how the Universe works.

You see, the first step is to make a decision and then take action on that decision. As soon as you begin to take action, another opportunity or next action step will appear. The difficult part of this is that sometimes the opportunity may come disguised as a hardship or unfortunate circumstance. It appears that way, because it will challenge a fear that you have. Maybe it will come as an opportunity that will require you to be seen, speak up for yourself, make a financial commitment, or be otherwise uncomfortable. It will force you to change, adapt and grow. If you resist this process, you will feel as if you’re stuck. If you step into the fear and see the opportunity for the gift that it is, the next opportunity will appear, and the process will continue.

It really all boils down to a matter of how willing you are to take a risk and believe in yourself. If you’re not getting where you want to go, stop, take inventory of what’s going on around you, and ask yourself “What am I not willing to do to move forward?”

What is behind the fear that’s holding you back? Because chances are, all you’d need to do is look that fear in the face, step into it, and you’d be back on track again.

It’s as simple as driving in the dark. You may not be able to see the entire path, but you have faith that no matter what, you’re going to reach your final destination.

Surya M Ganduri, PhD. PMP. is the founder and president of eMBC, Inc., an international firm specializing in strategic and executive leadership development processes that Help People Succeed in an Evolving World. His company is dedicated to helping organizations and individuals manage strategic change, innovation, cultural transition, and goal achievement. Surya has over 27 years of business experience in management consulting, leadership development, executive coaching, process improvements, organizational development, personal development and youth leadership. Contact Surya at s6ganduri@eMBCinc.com. For more information, visit www.eMBCinc.com or contact eMBC, Inc., directly at (630) 445-1321.

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